SOUTHEAST TOP 100 Class of 2028

Players are listed by height, not ranking
XavierHall6' 9"SF/PFLakewoodNC
JermaineAgyman6' 9"CWestwood ChristianFL
PeterJulius6' 9"PFMt. BethelGA
BentleyLusakueno6' 9"SFPace AcademyGA
TenajeFreeman6' 9"PFJonesboroGA
ErickDampier Jr6' 9"PFMadison - RidgelandMS
KhalilLuster6' 8"PFRed BayAL
AndrewJuergens6' 8"PFGreensboro DayNC
LaronMack6' 7"SFRivera PrepFL
LeartistWilliams Jr.6' 7"SFFaith AcademyAL
AnthonyWilliams Jr.6' 7"SGDutchtownGA
BaerBailey6' 7"SFGreater Atlanta ChristianGA
AndrewTerry6' 7"PFMontgomery CountyKY
JoshuaHuggins6' 6"SFGood PastureTN
BrooksLoftin6' 6"PFCullmanAL
CamdenCooper6' 6"CGSt. John Country DayFL
EthanMott6' 6"WPine CrestFL
LamarBryd Jr6' 6"SFFirst AcademyFL
DerwynLink6' 6"SFBartowFL
RukaiBethel6' 6"PFSoutheastern PrepFL
AbuJallow6' 6"SFKennesaw MountainGA
LandenEvans6' 6"PFSt. FrancisGA
JordanJackson6' 6"PFHoly CrossKY
MasonCollins6' 6"PGChrist SchoolNC
ChaseSmith6' 6"SFQueens GrantNC
RJDavis6' 6"SFRidge ViewSC
CorneliusMoore6' 6"SFRidge ViewSC
AnthonySpratt Jr.6' 5"SFBentonAR
CortezHudson6' 5"SGMcNairAL
NijuanHarris6' 5"SFSt. PetersburgFL
LuigiBorio6' 5"WNorth Broward PrepFL
BrandenSharpe6' 5"WWestminster AcademyFL
MylesHayes6' 5"SFWoodward AcademyGA
JohnquellGarner6' 5"PFMcEachernGA
BrelynMoses6' 5"SFGreenfield SchoolNC
MekhiAllen6' 5"CGQueens GrantNC
MohamedDonzo6' 5"SFTrinity ChristianNC
BaganleyDonzo6' 5"SFTrinity ChristianNC
GiancarioMartinez6' 5"SFAntiochTN
PaxtonTolliver6' 5"SFFluvanna CountyVA
QuintonWilson6' 4"CGVictory ChristianFL
EthanKnox6' 4"CGSanta Fe CatholicFL
Jah'mirWallace6' 4"SFBartowFL
JamaiMcClure6' 4"SGWoodstockGA
RickyHood6' 4"SFWestsideSC
JustinGray Jr.6' 4"CGCarolina ForestSC
DonovinOkoth Jr6' 4"CGBarlettTN
DeonteJiles6' 3"PGRamsayAL
TaiBell6' 3"CGMater Lakes AcadmeyFL
KingMcMillian6' 3"SGHilliardFL
JadenMcCullough6' 3"CGHoly InnocentsGA
ShamarMadden6' 3"CGOsborneGA
IsaiahWhitsett6' 3"CGGrimsleyNC
ArmaniJones6' 3"SGAikenSC
OwenJackson6' 3"CGFort ChiswellVA
ZuriMcClure6' 2"CGLausanne CollegiateTN
EzraGelin6' 2"PGSagemontFL
CoreyCapps6' 2"PGThe First AcademyFL
CulenBrowne6' 2"PGWilson AcademyGA
DakotaFreeman6' 2"CGDruid HillsGA
JordanMitchell6' 2"SGLouisvilleKY
RuckerJamison6' 2"SGAmbassador ChristianNC
JaylinBrewer6' 2"CGFlat RockNC
AyoAwasanya6' 2"SGMyers ParkNC
JermierNelson6' 2"SGFort MillSC
DamienRobinson6' 2"PGLandstownVA
BrysonJatta6' 1"CGHillGroveGA
ColeAmonett6' 1"PGPickett CountyTN
BlazeJohnson6' 1"CGGraysonGA
ShaneGoines6' 1"SGMt. ParanGA
TimothyWoodson6' 1"CGCarver-ColumbusGA
JaleelSmith6' 1"SGHunter HussNC
EddieCota6' 1"PGOlympicNC
AmariRobinson6' 0"PGHuffmanAL
JosiahGillard6' 0"PGLake MinneolaFL
JeremyWillmore6' 0"CGCentral Pointe ChristianFL
BrielenCraft6' 0"PGPace AcademyGA
JahmarMaurice6' 0"CGWoodstockGA
KerringtonMoore6' 0"PGMcDonoughGA
CalvinGoss6' 0"CGJonesboroGA
CasePresley6' 0"SGDaculaGA
DominicSpinks6' 0"PGGermantownMS
MicahGunter6' 0"CGGreensboro DayNC
JahriqSati-Grier6' 0"PGCharlote Performing InstituteNC
DrahcirWilliams6' 0"CGNorth ForsythNC
KaharriColeman6' 0"PGHardingNC
BraylonWilliams Jr.6' 0"PGBarlettTN
JabrilScott6 3"PGCristo Rey RichmondVA
King DanielHernandez5'11"PGThe Walker SchoolGA
SherodMcCormick5'11"PGCox MillNC
DysonBritt5'11"CGGaston DayNC
CooperClinger5'10"PGThe First AcademyFL
JoshLindsay5'10"CGSt. XavierKY
AntoineMoreman5'10"PGSouthern DurhamNC
BobbyMontgomery5'10"CGQueens GrantNC
JeremiahHunter5' 9"PGSenecaSC
KarlMullens5' 8"PGPine CrestFL
XavierDavies5' 8"CGNorthside-ColumbusGA

Georgia Class of 2028 Rankings

1Anthony "AJ"Williams6' 7"SGDutchtown
2BentleyLusakueno6' 9"SFPace Academy
3PeterJulius6' 9"PFMt. Bethel
4MylesHayes6' 5"SFWoodward Academy
5King DanielHernandez5'11"PGThe Walker School
6BrielenCraft6' 0"PGPace Academy
7JadenMcCullough6' 3"CGHoly Innocents
8JamaiMcClure6' 4"SGWoodstock
9BaerBailey6' 7"SFGreater Atlanta Christian
10JahmarMaurice6' 0"CGFurtah Prep
11ShamarMadden6' 3"CGOsborne
13BlazeJohnson6' 1"CGGrayson
14ShaneGoines6' 1"SGMt. Paran
15CulenBrowne6' 3"SGWilson Academy
16DakotaFreeman6' 2"CGDruid Hills
17AbuJallow6' 6"SFKennesaw Mountain
18TenajeFreeman6' 9"PFJonesboro
19LandonEvans6' 5"SFSt. Francis
20JohnquellGarner6' 5"PFMcEachern
21TimothyWoodson6' 1"CGCarver-Columbus
23XavierDavies5' 8"CGNorthside-Columbus
25GiovanniTuggle6'1"SGWinder Barrow
26ElijahTillman6' 7"PFGrayson
30LeytonCollins6' 8"PFLovett School
31DonovinMartin6' 1"SGAlexander
32ChristianCaldwell6' 6"PFDenmark
33IsaiahDorsainvil6' 1"CGDutchtown
34De'QuavionLovette5'10"CGBurke County
35SkylerBostic5' 8"PGStatesboro
36TraceHawkins6' 1"CGCalhoun
39CaydenFreeman6'2"SGEast Coweta
40MerrickHam6' 5"SFMarietta
41BrysonJatta6' 2"SGHillgrove
42DallasMontgomery6' 3"CGLowndes
43ZamariPaulk6' 3"SFTift County
44MarutaJawona6' 6"SFSouth Paulding
45AustinDennard6' 5"PFMcDonough
46CanonMullen6' 5"SFLake Oconee Academy
47CasePresley6' 0"PGDacula
49JeromeMcClain6' 6"PFEast Coweta
50DominionWhitaker6' 2"SGNorth Springs

Georgia Class of 2028 Watchlist

First NameLast NameHeightPositionCity
JaQuintonAdamson6' 1"SGLagrange
ChisimdiAgbasi6' 3"SGPeachtree Ridge
TaysonBlount5' 8"PGCedar Grove
MasonBooker6' 1"SGSeckinger
BrycenBurns5' 8"PGVidalia
AstonChappell6' 0"PGNorth Cobb Christian
JoshCooper6' 2"SFNorth Cobb Christian
AndrewDoyley6' 1"PGMount Vernon
JamariGatson6' 5"PFKennesaw Mountain
PageGetter6' 1"SGSt. Andrews
SyreHopkins5'10"PGRichmon Hill
JamariJenkins6' 1"CGCalvary Day
KelvinJohnson6' 5"PFGriffin
JadenJohnson5' 8"PGHilgrove
BryceKidd6' 2"SGHilgrove
DominicLoPresti5'10"PGThe Kings Academy
HavenMcMcMiller6' 5"SFTift County
AnwarMolette6' 3"SFHiram
MarkNomel6' 2"SFGrovetown
KaronPlummer6' 2"SGHouston County
SterlingPritchett6' 2"SGLakeside
EliTu5' 8"PGDenmark
KhalilWells5' 8"PGRockdale County
ColtWitzigreuter6' 7"PFHoly Innocents

Pebblebrook (GA) Dominates Opening Night

By Bilal Benjamin | November 10, 2022

Dayton signee, Jaiun Simon (C/O 2023), led Pebblebrook to a dominating opening night win over a young Piadea team. Simon led all scorers with 22 points. He displayed his versatility scoring on all three levels, playmaking, defending and controlling the pace of the game. (pictured above) Two sport athlete Xavier Bell (C/O 2023), put on an…

A boy playing basketball wearing the Elite60 jersey number 65

Bruton’s Elite 60 Freshman Standouts pt. 2

By Tony Bruton | September 28, 2022

Kamari Brown | 6’1” CG (GA) Grayson High School – 2026 (pictured above) Brown was very impressive as a primary ball-handler. He’s got a wide variety of crossovers, hesitations and spin moves. It appears that he’s already an above average shot maker from multiple spots on the floor. If his body continues to develop, it’s…

A boy playing basketball wearing Elite60 jersey number 25

Bruton’s Elite 60 Freshman Standouts pt. 1

By Tony Bruton | September 28, 2022

NGSHoops hosted the first “Elite 60 Freshman Showcase” this past weekend at Discovery High School in Lawrenceville, Georgia. I detailed a few prospects that I was able to see emerging from the pack. Maddox Melancon | 6’4” SG (GA) Eagles Landing High School – 2026 (pictured above) Maddox was arguably the most physically imposing guard…

The Elite60 basketball team (red jersey) holding trophies

ELITE60 Freshman Showcase Evaluations pt.1

By Bilal Benjamin | September 27, 2022

The Next Generation Sports Elite 60 Freshman Showcase was one of the most high level showcases I’ve been to all year. The class of 2026 is the next great class of prospects that I’m projecting will have a ton of future pros. The talent in the class of 2026 is loaded. From the bigs to…